måndag 4 april 2011

Is It Mental or Is It Dental – a scary article

Today I finally took courage and read the famous article Is It Mental or Is It Dental?
A lot of courage is required for this task - this is actually scary! When I was finished the last piece of the puzzle fell into place. People of the modern world eat refined foods which causes our craniums to develop improperly.

My face is a typical face that didn't grow correctly (even though it's a very common problem and not a very strange thing). All the things in my face I used to be bothered with are related to this:

1. Oblong and too narrow face.
2. Chin too far back.
3. Too big distance between nose and upper lip.
4. Protruding and too narrow nose.
5. White of the eye too big and downwards slanted eyes.
6. Black circles under eyes.
7. Asymmetrical face.
8. Creases at the mouth and the cheeks.
9. No visible cheekbones.

My goodness, these are things I spent years of learning to conceal with make-up! As you may have guessed retraction orthodontics makes this worse. The article also stated that soft tissues such as cartilage and tongue aren't affected by an underdeveloped cranium, they grow as they will. This is the reason why people with an underdeveloped upper jaw often have trouble breathing through their noses - narrow nose, adenoids etc. Not only that, this could even be the reason of myopia because the eye sockets don't grow to their full size which causes the eyeballs to get squeezed. It's just a theory but it makes a lot of sense.

Breathing difficulties and myopia can cause you to tilt your head downwards to make breathing and seeing easier. This way the airway opens up and it can interfere with your posture and cause you to slouch. Reading this made me all sweaty! These things have turned my life up side down! But you know what, I just laugh at the whole thing! It's just too much, too crazy. It's true, I'm laughing, because what are you going to do about it? You are a tiny human being who lives on a little planet and you’re basically in a good place. Still, it's scary and more people should read the article, Is it Mental or Is it Dental.
On the subway home today I couldn't help looking at people around me. Some of them with perfect profiles, others with sunken faces - worse than me. After all it's very interesting, isn't it?

Picture borrowed from Is It Mental or Is It Dental. Note the long distance between the nose and the mouth on the two women. The article says that the long face is related to the teeth appearing big and protruding. The boy has a big overjet and in many cases this has been treated by retracting the teeth in the upper jaw (extraction/retraction orthodontics). Imagine doing that to this boy. The profile below the nose would become diagonal and unnatural, nothing would be done about the position of the lower jaw except possibly pushing it further back. You can clearly see how bad of an idea that would be. (Or maybe it's just because yours truly had this kind of treatment done and knows how much damage it does.)

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